Minutes of the Committee Meeting
Held on the 4th October 2017 at Flitwick Leisure at 8pm
Those present: P.Main, S.Marshall, S.Davies, P.White, G.Milner
Apologies: None
1. It was unanimously agreed that Garry Milner be elected Chairman
2. Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on the 17th May 2017 and the AGM were agreed without alteration. There were no matters arisin
3. Report from the County Captain
We have entered teams in the seniors and Over 45s. The first match is 4th and 5th November at Towers
4. Report from the League Secretary
S.Marshall has set up the fixtures. So far LDSC and MK Squash have paid
It was agreed that the first round of the Cup Competition should be played by the end of December, the second round by the end of March and the third by the end of May. Also that Clubs can enter a 3 man Over 50s team of players who are not in the main team
Report from the Treasurer
The bank spreadsheet was circulated and two changes were needed. The revised forecast for the year is shown below. If the Beds Junior Open breaks even then our funds should increase from £2,500 to £2,775 although it was agreed at May's Committee meeting that it should be subsidised to a maximum of £250 if necessary
6. Regional and National Update
Paul Main reported that once Norfolk make their submission, we should be able to apply for £600 to fund 4 Level 1 courses.
Also the interactive squash wall is currently being tested.
7. Charitable Incorporated Organisation
It was agree that S.Marshall would report back to the next Committee meeting in 2018 as to the pros and cons of changing to this type of organisation
8. AOB
It was agreed that at the next meeting we should discuss how we could spend up to £1,000 of our funds to increase the number of players in the County
Minutes by P. White